What you need to know to be an informed voter!


Go here for information on HOW TO VOTE IN ARKANSAS.


You’d be surprised how often local elections happen!

Don’t miss your chance to cast your ballot in the elections where your vote makes the


Local Special Elections

Google your county name and county clerk’s website. If your county has an upcoming special election (for example, a school board or local taxes election), then it will be posted there.

Statewide Elections

Monday, October 21, 2024: Early voting begins for Arkansas General Election.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024: Election Day. Final day to vote in general election.

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Go HERE to find your AR House & Senate districts by map.

2020 Voter Turnout


VIP Voter

increased voter turnout by

15 points!


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We connect the dots for voters on
HOW to vote and
WHY their vote

In the 2020 election, out of 100% of registered Arkansas voters age 45 and under, 59% cast a vote.

Out of all of our VIP voters age 40 and under, 74% cast a vote.


How did we do it?

Our VIP Voters received info on:

  • How to vote absentee in Arkansas

  • Where to vote early

  • Candidate and ballot issue info

  • Election day reminders

  • and the value of voting


Because our democracy and our government

just work better when

every voter votes.